Thursday, January 1, 2009

CHRISTMAS 2008, in Brasilia

Our Christmas was very nice! On the 24th we had a Christmas dinner at our friend's Iran Bernardes and his wife Neuza's. On the 25th we had a Christmas lunch at my sister's, Rosana, together with my Mother. On the evening of the 25th, Tammy, Marcos and Caroline came over to spend time together. We played some games, had snacks and talked to Heidi and Kim on the webcam. Caroline spent the night with us. On the 26th (still on the spirit of Christmas) we spent the day at Tammy's. We had a great American meal (stuffed "Turkey", baked potatoes, etc.), played games, had taco salad for supper and came home later on that evening.

As a church, we had a Christmas Cantata which took place on December 13th. Tammy, Victoria and I were part of the 60 voice choir who practiced since September, every Wednesday night. Jonathan was also a part of it, but not as a singer. A group of 6 boys practiced a coreography and they danced to a couple of songs. That totally surprised me because I never knew Jonathan liked to dance, although I knew he would have good rithym, since he is learning drumming.

The best part of being part of the MGM Choir was the opportunity we had to sing at a Hospital to a group of Mothers of prematurebabies. It was good to see the ladies being touched by God's Spirit as we shared, sang and prayed with them.

God is good and His mercies endure forever!

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