Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This past Sunday we received some special guests that stayed through this morning (Wednesday). They were our friends Kléber and Juracema. They are missionaries in Mozambique, Africa. My husband and I have had the opportunity to visit them in Africa twice together. We have developed a good friendship with them. We feel very honored to have them as friends. They have devoted the past 13 years of their lives living in Nampula, reaching out to a people group called "Macua". They have started 52 small churches in Nampula and along the coast of Mozambique.

We had some precious time with Kléber and Juracema, eating, chatting, talking about ministry in Africa and in Brazil, praying together and we also got to listen to Kléber preaching on Sunday evening. He preaches with an amazing authority and annointing from God!

This morning we had Pr. Iran Bernardes and his wife Neuza for a quick breakfast and some fellowship time with Kléber and Juracema before they left to their last stop in Brazil (Goiânia) and then they will be flying back to Africa next Monday.

We will continue to uplift them in prayer weekly, as they continue to fight the good fight in Mozambique. God bless you, my friends!


  1. Hi Neide! I hope you are doing well!

    I discovered a blog that I thought you might want to explore -- a Brazilian Christian woman.

    many blessings!

  2. Thanks for the sweet comments you left on my blog!
